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30 Mayis - 3 Haziran arasi Ligna Hannover fuarinda 14. holde EKIN PUBLISHING GROUP standindayiz.
Ekin Yayin Grubu 24 Mayistan bu yana Avrupanin seckin mobilya ihtisas fuarlarini sizler icin izliyor.
    Katilimcisi oldugumuz 80 firmayi askin Turk katilimcisinin urunlerini sergiledigi Koln Interzum fuarindan sonra bu kez de Almanyanin sanayi kenti Hannoverde gerceklesen ve kendi alaninda dunyanin en buyuk ahsap isleme makineleri fuari olan LIGNA fuarinda 14. holde 5 gun boyunca hem Furniturk industry dergilerini dagitacak hemde sektordeki en son yenilikleri izleyerek yeni cikacak mobilya dergisi ve internet sayfalarinda bu gelismeleri aninda sizlerle paylasacak.
    Pek cok Turk makine imalatcisi firmanin da katilimci olarak yer aldigi fuar bu yil daha etkin gececek.
From 30 May to 3 June 2011, the Hannover Exhibition Center will be home to LIGNA HANNOVER, the trade fair of choice for an international forestry and wood industry poised for renewed growth.
The industry’s vibrancy and energy is not lost on the fair’s organizers, Deutsche Messe and the German Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (VDMA Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen). “LIGNA is in top form. With more than 1,766 exhibitors from 52 nations signed up and about 130,000 square meters of display space, the fair is sure to be a feast of new product and technology launches. All the market leaders will be there, as always, plus we’ll be welcoming a large contingent of first-time exhibitors, including KUKA, Akzo Nobel Casco Adhesives, Becker Acroma, and Cargotec Germany,” commented Stephan Ph. Kühne, a member of the Deutsche Messe Board of Management.
Faced with rising wood, energy and labor costs, the world’s manufacturers of wood products are currently investing heavily in the latest high-efficiency machinery and tools in order to remain competitive. “LIGNA’s exhibition and event program addresses this trend perfectly, as can been seen from the official motto, ‘Making more out of wood: Innovative • efficient • trendsetting,’” Mr. Kühne explained. “LIGNA is where exhibitors go to unveil their latest innovations and developments, so this year we’re confident we’ll be seeing our fair share of world-firsts.”
Unmatched international participation
This year, LIGNA will remain unsurpassed as the world’s most internationally oriented forest and wood industry trade fair. Kühne: “With more than 50 percent of the exhibitor pool coming from beyond Germany, LIGNA has consolidated its dominant position in the global market.” The top ten exhibitor nations in terms of leased display space are Germany, followed once again by Italy, which has a considerable margin on third-placed Austria, which is followed by Spain, China and Taiwan, Switzerland, Denmark, Turkey, Sweden and the Netherlands.
Keynote themes at LIGNA HANNOVER 2011
Resource efficiency is a core consideration in a steadily increasing number of industries. In the furniture manufacturing industry, it finds expression in the trend towards lightweight construction, which itself is one of the big keynote themes at this year’s LIGNA.
Lightweight construction makes the most out of scarce wood resources in building and furniture applications. While the wood and furniture industries have been using lightweight technologies for many years, they have only recently started harnessing them as prime drivers of innovation. Manufacturers the world over now have an enormous variety of lightweight materials, material combinations and specialized production technologies at their disposal for wood-based construction, interior finishing and furniture production applications.
International demand for lightweight technology is also growing on the back of increasing public awareness of resource conservation and environmental issues.

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